ALTERNATIVE SITES part 1 ///////////////////////// 8 Ball page the net version of the ol' 8 Ball advice giver. Will I or won't she...? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative Web sites (new and unusual) New and unusual links from around the world. Strange and amusing! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Site of the Week There's a new list of web sites called "Web Site of the Week", because as Forrest Gump's mother used to say..."The Web is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". Always fresh and interesting sites! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netscape Live Aquarium (Fish Cam!) A live picture of an aquarium at the Netscape offices. Lots of fish and plants. Take the worry out of setting up your own - use this instead. Also includes links to other "fishy" web pages. Of course we all know that while surfing one is apt to see fish in the wide open web ocean. Way cool stuff! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cambridge Univ. Cambridge Univ, England A live picture of a coffee pot in a corner of the Trojan Room at Cambridge University. Lets students know if there is any coffee in the pot before wasting precious energy to leave their comfy dorms to get a cup o' java. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- site You're never sure what going to be here - but you always know it's going to be fun surfing through this page of wacky links. Off the beaten path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confession Booth A virtual Priest listens to all and gives comfort and absolution of sins. No need to wake up early on Sundays anymore - sleep late and confess later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun and Games on the Spider's Web "The Spider's Web" You'll get lost in this one for hours on end. Try to start your surfing excursion on a weekend - you won't be to bed for a while --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberQueer Lounge If you're gay, lesbian or anything in between then here's the page for you. An exhaustive list of info and links to cover about every imaginable topic related to homosexuality. Even if you're curious - take a look. It's really a well-done site and you might even learn something. Gays will have a field day on this one. Hey - no flames. I've included a wide variety of sites. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Games Domain www Tons of fun! Online games galore. Multi-player games too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GhostRider Web page well done site - new and unusual links plus standards. Good "alternative" starting point for web adventures. Lots of out of the way places to see. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotwired! Informative, irreverant and funny. There's always great places to go here and great things to read. A "MUST VISIT" place on the web. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Phone Çhat with someone. Believe it or not - it seems that people would rather hide in ascii text typing to others than to speak with them. This is not as big a success as everyone first thought it would be. Hmmm... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGO Product site This has to be one of the coolest and most fun commercial sites around. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mossy Rock Links http://www.Direct.CA/~ssibbet Unusual surfing site. I surfed for hours on this one - catch a wave and go! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psycho Drugs URL gopher:// Hey kids, here's a great URL to check out. Rummage around here for other pertinent info. Put your surfboard down though - no hanging ten while high! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin's Links from the Underground Unusual sites from around the world! Who else has links to the Ollie North page. An unbelievable collection. You could surf through this for months. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paranoia - Web page need I say more? hey - what was that? who's there? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addventure 2 Follow the links and when at a dead-end, create your own link to extend the adventure. (You'll be at a blank forms page and prompted to enter your own directions. Such as "You walk along the road until you come to an intersection". Then you enter "Go Left or Go Right, etc... cool fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Veb Village An unusual "must visit" for all avid Web surfers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battleship Play "Battleship" game via WWW. "You sunk my battleship!" These are two web sites featuring slightly different versions of the old favorite. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lite Brite site Plug in colored pieces on a grid and watch 'em light up! Just like the children's toy - only adults will play for hours with this one too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interactive Toy and Game List This is the "list of lists" when it comes to online games on the WWW. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackjack card server Hold 'em or hit 'em but try not to fold 'em. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Danfuzz's Wall O' Shame Hmmm... I'm not sure what this is but it seems to be a collection of miscellaneous messages that are complete gaffes and boners. Weird. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Site of the Day Let the cool site of the day take you away. Always fresh and different! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webaholics home page Kinda like alcoholics anonymous - only kewler. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webaholics Top 50 Page The webaholics version of a Top 50 sites to surf to list. The linked list changes frequently but the sites are always fresh and funny places to go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Confession Booth The Digital Priest is waiting for you... after drive-in churches and web confessions - what's next? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Meetmarket Place your own personal ads or just "shop around" Plenty of available GIFs for the open-minded to see. And you thought bars were the place to meet interesting folks? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Personals Another Internet "personals" service. If the 'net was more sensory - would anyone get out of their easy chair or put down the browser button ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Condom Country Ahem... comes in flavors too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Games Domain A well-endowed page chock full of game FAQs and numerouos links to other games pages. This is a must see for all games afficianados. Try it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extremely Strange and Weird sites collection No explanation given on these - cruise at your own risk - but I guarantee that you'll get lost surfing on these time and time again. You won't take my word on it eh? Well, I dare you to try these - you'll come back for more. Really Different Sites ----- Rumor Mill ----- Murple Web Weird Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Information server An informative and honest page supplying vast quantities of information. Try not to O.D. on the data! (Hey Cheech - what about the bong man) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even Weirder and Stranger Web Pages collection *Definitely* not for the faint of heart, squeamish or anyone logically minded. It just doesn't get much weirder than this folks! alt.tasteless home page From the alt.tasteless Usenet newsgroup postings. No wonder they call them the "alt" groups. ----- Gender and Sexuality page Problems getting down with your bad self or just confused whether you're a boy or a girl. Do you dream of women but hate your mother? Need I say more? Well I won't - go there yourself! ----- Complete Guide to Lock Picking For the criminally inept. Ah geez, I locked the keys in my car... ----- Vampire Index Vampyres Only! A coffin full of Vampire facts and fictions. Pages beckon you to join "Other Creatures of the Night on the Vorld Vide Veb" Bela Lugosi would be proud. ----- Heather Rose Gothic page Not just for Halloween. This page is genuinely creepy and contains numerous links to even creepier pages. Yikes! Leave the lights on! ----- Geek and Nerd sites Gopher to: then select --> tests Find out the difference between a geek and a nerd and other odd things. Also take the nerd test and other geeky-nerd stuff. Also includes the infamous Luke's Hippy Dippy Nerd Page. Truly awful. ----- Bogosity A site for sore eyes, strange knowledge and net jargon ----- The Websurfer's Handbook This is how your mother didn't teach you to surf. ----- Kook's Report of How Weird are You? Repeat after me - this is only a test... only a test... A 20 question test designed to test your "weirdness" factor. I don't think the person that made up this test was altogether there... ----- The Fascist Game He who makes all the rules - Wins! ----- Church of Sub-Genius Alien prophets? Living Saints? What? ----- Barney's home page Yes, it's the purple dinosaur but it's definitely not for kids! ----- Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches page I think these tarts got toasted. ----- How to tell if your head's about to Blow Up I'm not making this one up folks! So this is what they do at MIT? ----- Wonderful World of Barbie More than you ever wanted to know about that plastic fantastic girl. Includes the Plastic Princess Collector Page and many links to other Barbie topics. A Barbie glossary and Barbie discussion are only a few of the Barbie related items here. For the Barbie enthusiast! ----- 100 Point Purity Test for Non-Virgins OK - virgins can take the test too. ----- Puking! A pretty complete compendium of synonyms for blowing chunks, kissing the bowl and... well... you get the idea. ----- Useless WWW page Where else can you find the link to "scratch 'n sniff" theater? And this is only the beginning. This is wonderfully useless web fun! ----- Scratch and Sniff Theater ----- Joe's Couch Rating Chart You gotta see this one to believe it. Our college youth is in trouble. ----- Astroboy's Yo-Yo Status Server The epitamy of uselessness ----- David Letterman ftp site FTP to: then cd to --> /pub/tv+movies/letterman The definitive Letterman site. Top ten lists and everthing! ----- Rectal Foreign Bodies Is that a gerbil in there? ----- Fates of Dragon's Lair Telnet to: 7777, 5000, or 3000 Online theater group that performs at the Theater of the Absurd (TOTA) The theater is part of the Rivendale Chatlines and uses ASCII art as a backdrop and scenery during plays. Now this is a drive-in movie. Had enough weirdness yet? Sheeesh! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar site point your finger client to: This is soooo coooool! Just try it! finger this address and enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WXYC Radio Student run campus radio station that also broadcasts over the net. You'll need a Mac or Unix box with Maven and/or CU-SeeMe. Visit the station's home page for details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Obituary Page A continually updated collection of obituary listings from around the world At first this seems quite strange - but it is eerily interesting and you'll be surfing this site far longer than you expected. Bizarre and unique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberGuide home page Reviews, picks and pans of Cyber places to visit. Siskel and Ebert couldn't do much better than this. Not great - but still worth the trip. The info is updated constantly so surf on over occasionally to get the scoop on what is hot and what is not. A web page from the folks at NetGuide magazine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative X gopher to: Talk, rant and discuss with the likes of Mark Leyner, Allen Ginsberg or Ken Kesey. Everything from elitist structures to govt. cabals abound. An eclectic group of folks show up here and it is always intellectually stimulating. Pour a cup o' java and let your hair down. A trip for all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nethack ftp to: /pub/NH3.1/binaries Fantastic Dungeon and Dragons game ala Internet. Even non-fans quickly become addicted to this one. Don't say I didn't warn you... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absurd Places to Visit The Cygnus Christmas Tree finger Only opened seasonally. Can you guess which season? ----- Kirk McKusick's Wine cellar telnet to: 451 Another absurd and useless connection to show the current temperature of Kirk's wine cellar and suggestions for the "wine of the day". ----- A Thermometer in Maine telnet to: 9876 You can check the temperature of an office somewhere in Maine. A person named Andrew Sheaff actually connected his office thermo into the net! ----- Vending Machines at various Colleges and Universities finger finger finger finger Don't bother leaving your dorm on a useless journey to the soda machine. Waste bandwidth and have fun fingering these machines to see if your favorite is in stock. Many also tell when the sodas were put in the machine so you can tell if they're cold enough and some have a themometer that says how cold the sodas are. Ah... the meager college existence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul's Hot Tub finger email: This guy hooked up his hot-tub to the Internet and now lets the public come on in and visit. You can check the water temp, outdoor air temp, and other hot-tub info. Ahhhhh relaxing... bring your own towels! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Boutell's Birthday Server http:// This page will not only tell you who shares your birthday with you it will provide links to these persons home page if available. You can enter any date and this page will search for people born on that date! You can feel free to register your own birthday and if you include your email address, people can then send you Happy Birthday! email cards. No candles included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Froggy Page Contains info and links to all sorts of "frog" information. There is an assortment of clip-art and pictures of frogs. How to make an origami frog and information on frog species from around the world. Undaunted by previous reports I could not seem to find recipes . A frog lovers dream! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Dome II - Rise of the Free Jacks Telnet to: 5555 log on using your name and a password of your choosing. (You will have to remember or write down your password for future log-ons) New users should type in "POLICY" after log on for important information on game play and directions. Basically, anarchie reins supreme and there really is no law or order or rules for that matter. It might all seem too chaotic at first - but in order to survive you'll have to make alliances... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Painter's Calculator After accessing web page, click on "Applets: A collection of Useful Tools Online" and then select (click on) Paint Calculator. (Try out the other neat tools too!) Fill in the blanks on the form (room dimensions, how many coats of paint you'll want to use, etc), and then click on the "Calculate" button. The "Paint Calculator" will figure out just how many gallons you'll need for the job. It's accurate and not a toy. This is a professional tool. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myers-Briggs Personality Test A forms based web page that gives you the famous Myers-Briggs test online. You simply answer the multiple choice questions (70 questions) then total up your score. After your score is tallied your "personality traits" are reduced to a four letter code that is your Keirsey Temperament Test Result. Your score results also get you a list of others who share your score. People from Abraham Lincoln to Isaac Asimov could be your personality peers and the four letter personality code is recognized world-wide by many Psychiatric and Psychological organizations. Give this a try - it's fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TallWeb page A web site especially made for tall people. Info and links to places where tall people can go and find suitable material for their ilk. Pointers to stores and mail-order houses where tall folks can buy stuff. Even contains lists and info on Tall Clubs and the Global Tall List. A towering web site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live Nude Video-conferencing The author has no personal experience with this site but it does sound interesting and possibly interactive... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John and Kelsey Rakes web page A virtual trip through the Rakes family home. Contains links of all the family favorites. He's a pediatrician and she's a story writer. Hmmm.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Asylum This wacky site provides the user with virtual padded walls and has a gonzo psychological questionnaire for prospective inpatient inmates to take. It also includes the first Lite Brite server on the Web so you can make cool pictures while you bang on your cell walls. Hip and irreverant - remember to check out when you're done... you might decide to stay. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bianca's Smut Shack This has got to be one of the coolest places to visit on the 'net if you're an adult and want to have a little fun. Bianca's is a virtual romp through a "party house" that will have you engrossed from the moment you check in. You are given a virtual map of the "shack" that includes a dozen rooms to travel through - from there you're on your own as I don;t want to spoil the fun and surprises. It's not really X-rated (unless that's what you want out of it) rather it is a party in progress and you'll never who who you'll run into or meet. There are forms based discussions and it's like a community on the 'net that never goes to sleep. Check this place out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speak to Me Catalog of Talking Products An unusual commercial site that's way cool to browse through. It offers a neat assortment of talking paraphenalia that is not expensive that might wind up as neat gifts or become gifts to yourself. The talking keychain and the memo-maker are just a few of the odds and ends you'll find here and each has a photograph that shows you what it is you're going to buy along with a description. Talking picture frames anyone? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RedStar's Web Page of Internet Fame/IRC Channels/Erotic Pick of Day The title says it all - a neat place to check out occasionally - of course along with cool 'net stuff there is a bit of erotica - so keep the kids away from this site... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alt.Consumers.Free-Stuff Home Page Graphic version: Lynx/Text version: Wow! Tons of new, interesting and free "stuff" is offered by various companies, agencies and individuals from all over the world. There is lots of free stuff to obtain here and the info and lists are continually flooding in and being updated. The info is gleaned from the Usenet newsgroup "" Check this out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Free-Stuff Web page Contains links to companies that give away free merchandise or have contests for those that visit their site. A good companion site to the "Free-Stuff" site gleaned from the "alt" newsgroup (also mentioned in BIGSURF). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow Rose of Texas A strip club goes online. This is only one of many of these kinds of places that are littered all over the WWW. I include this site hesitantly if but only to show that the WWW is indeed "wide-open" in scope... OK - who talked me into putting this into BIGSURF? Was it... *you* ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Ozone's WWW page Remember.. you're in the "alternative" section of BIGSURF. You're strictly on your own here - be brave and explore! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- alt.2600 FAQ pages An enriching batch of info designed to... um... let users get the most out of their computing resources. Very well done and always has something in there that makes the surf over well worth it. For those in the know it's another place to go and check out occasionally. Suggested reading. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberCafe Guide Computers and coffee - the perfect mix (?) Cyber Cafes are opening up all over the place. These cafes let people sip on java, order sandwiches and rent Internet access time. That's right - go cybersurfing, email and look up a few usenet newsgroups while you have lunch. Cool idea. This page offers a brief guide to available CyberCafes. New cafes are added often. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetNoir Online A "cyber-gateway" to Afrocentric information, culture, sports info, music related topics, business and educational interests. Plans to add many more Afrocentric/ethnic forums and topics are in the works. Planned topics of interest include: Religion, politics and corporate sponsors of the site that have an interest increating their own linkable areas are Motown Records, Perspective Records and U.S. West's US Avenue electronic marketing division. Also planned is an area for Black literary artists which will be soliciting original manuscripts for publication. Also to be added soon are many black-oriented magazines and publications presented in online format. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mage's Guide to the Internet ftp to: in the --> /pub/ss/OMNet/magi Resource guide and list to the Occult and Paganism found on the net. Eerie. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallery of Grotesque ("Dan's Gallery of the Grotesque") Not for the squeamish! Formaldehyde babies and postmortem stiffs abound! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Side of the Net Another eerie but informative site for anyone interested in finding out available resources on the Internet that have to do with gothic, paganism, vampire, occult and other "dark side" topics. A good site for those doing research in this field. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Gothic and Occult Web sites One from England (the home of Gothic) and another from Carnegie-Mellon (US) Both offer unusual and interesting info and links... strangely interesting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The File Room A rather large and comprehensive catalouged list of censored resources and materials. Most of this material has been either banned in public or school libraries or has been banned from various countries and/or political and religious structures due to the content of the material. Not quite a full blown learning or educational resource and not quite an "alternative" site, this site is still unusual in its content and scope. Remember - not all banned works are necessarily pornographical as much of what has become to be banned is ideological or religious in nature. There are many different genres included here - from works of art to works of literary merit to blatant propoganda and religious ranting. In the right hands the pen is thy sword and the words created are sharp and cut deeply. The old adage, "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me", is given little credence by many people in power. This place on the web is a very worthwhile site to visit as it will give you (hopefully) a deeper understanding of various cultures by what they *don't* allow and may let you re-define or view the words, thoughts and concepts of "freedom" and "freedom of speech" in a whole different way. This site should merit at least one visit by anyone connected to the WWW. Grab your surfboard and catch a wave over to this web page - and learn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Gothic This site is one step beyond abnormal and is truly weird and eerie. Well rendered and high qualty graphics of gothic baby nightmarish pictures. Some are bizarrely beautiful while others will give the little ones many sleepless nights. Others are blatantly childish attempts at gothic fright but most of these images will be rolling 'round your mind for some time... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------